
Our system continues to evolve, many of the Questions will need updating...   check/ask a question...

04 Are DCNotes difficult / costly to produce ?
14 Are DCNotes good for business ?
05 Can a DCNote be forged ?
46 Can you add a QR code to my DCNote ?
45 DCNote can be considered a tool ?
02 How can DCNotes be used ?
47 How can I condense my communications ?
52 How can I create, co-create or produce a DCNote ?
03 How do I make a DCNote ?
27 How do I make my idea FLY ?
28 How do I Verify/Recognize a DCNote ?
12 How much information can a DCNote contain ?
16 How to make a good PIN ?
20 I don't understand !
11 Is a DCNote valuable ?
43 What do I need to create a DCNote ?
07 What if I/we break rules set in the Proposal ?
29 What is ACT (Addressed Creativity Token) ?
19 What is BIS (Business Introduction Sheet) ?
44 What is CO (Communication Object) ?
21 What is DCMail ?
01 What is DCNote ?
49 What is ERA (Environmentally Responsible Advertising) ?
50 What is EVV (Emotional Value Vehicle) ?
13 What is GAS (Gradual Acquisition System) ?
25 What is MI ?
15 What is PIN (Personal Introduction Note) ?
33 What is RAM (Rewritable Addressed Message) ?
10 What is SPP (Self Propelled Publishing) ?
18 What is SPR (Single Page Release) ?
35 What is Station ?
17 What is the difference between DC, DCD, DCC, DCN, DCNote ?
48 What is the difference between DeepCheque.Org and other print production web sites ?
06 What is the relationship between DCNotes and the original DC system ?
51 What is TIP (Textual Information Packet) ?
09 What is Type 8 ?
40 Who invented the DC system ?
08 Who is 'we' ?

we try to keep the Questions here simple. many more related Answers on the original DeepCheque.Net site.

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below you see 4 DCNotes loaded at random:
MIC Dahu Mumagi
View from Level 11
Plumbing in Paris
Gift of Time