#15 What is PIN (Personal Introduction Note) ?

Personal Introduction Note (PIN) DCNote is your 21st century equivalent of an introduction letter, business card, CV, review, personal message, reference, web page - all rolled into one !

To make your PIN, as always, you start with a Communication Object) - gather, in your User Zone all the relevant data - in form of text, numbers and images. You probably need a key image that represents you - directly or metaphorically, some key phrases would be good too... Ideally, the visual elements should be in vector format (.ai, .svg, .pdf, .eps) or at least in greyscale/black&white. Then it's a matter of putting it all together in a visually effective form, giving it an ID number that will work on: /Recognize and you have an introduction tool you can instantly update online and subsequently update in print version. Better still, you can place a printable version online - anyone intersted can print it themselves, in as many copies as needed - for own use or to share. In that sense your PIN is Self Propelling !
posted: 2020-11-15 | updated: 2024-04-17

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