RAM is a new type of DCNote (first tried in March 2024) but already proving its great usefulness.
Use RAM to upgrade and improve your regular communications with other humans. It is delivered in either a physical form (DCNote) or an image file to be printed as DCNote. As other DCNotes, it fuses and encourages various communication modes, including handwriting - it brings back the art of a letter !
When used on regular basis it creates a useful, easily stored, immediately-(re)viewed, updatable communication record. With reasonable care (protect from moisture unless printed on plastic), it is very durable and, you will be glad to know, resistant to nuclear and other explosions (if more than 5 km from the blast site).
You can run your RAM yourself (various software can be used) or via this DC site.
Since it is new, there are no examples to show at this time, also because RAM is typically private - more private than email !
posted: 2021-03-02 | updated: 2024-04-11
we try to keep the Questions here simple. many more related Answers on the ›original DeepCheque.Net site.
below you see 4 DCNotes loaded at random:


USE What You Have !

