#3 How do I make a DCNote ?

There are three ways (Cases) of making a DCNote:
C1. we make it for you, starting from your Communication Object
C2. we work together, on base of your Communication Object
C3. you just give us an image/text you want to publish

The costs of producing a DCNote are not high, they can reduced or even waived in Cases 1 and 2.
C1 will generally give you the best results since our image-making expertise will be fully applied.
C2 sounds great but is not easy to achieve, much compatibility is needed, it can be time-consuming.
C3 is the easiest - just supply the image file - black and white only - pixel or vector based, your DCNote will be searchable on our site or not - consent will be needed on both sides.

Your proposal needs to fall within our criteria - broadly speaking - no political agitation, lying, hate, religion, pseudo-science - thank you.

Remember that each DCNote comes with its own web page you can update at any time (those updates will also be monitored according to the above criteria).
Since October 2024 can get your DCNote(s) via NetCells
posted: 2022-01-27 | updated: 2024-12-09

we try to keep the Questions here simple. many more related Answers on the original DeepCheque.Net site.

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