#49 What is ERA (Environmentally Responsible Advertising) ?

DeepCheque.Org is not in business of advertising, however, we are not adverse to using Art and Creativity to promote a product, as, historically, it has always been the case. Whether or not we can promote your product depends on your product, our formula of Environmentally Responsible Advertising (ERA) is a technological solution, which we release in public interest to anyone with a laser printer.
DeepCheque version of Environmentally Responsible Advertising is a way of condensing and optimising message to potential buyer using DC Communication Object expressed as a DCNote. The Seller has two related communication channels - instantly updateable web page and the standard format print page, modified and printed exactly as needed (and no more).
In creating this formula we aim to shift advertising away from propaganda and more into the informative realm, this is also done by reducing the bandwidth of the message - much of the current advertising only seeks to confuse it - think abou it !
the idea is still new (November 2023), it will become clearer once the practical applications are produced...
posted: 2023-09-08 | updated: 2024-10-06

we try to keep the Questions here simple. many more related Answers on the original DeepCheque.Net site.

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