#16 How to make a good PIN ?

First of all, remember - your PIN is a new form of communication - innovative, built for the 21st century - it will take some time and creative effort to find an overall concept that fits YOU like a glove.
but, that's ok, don't get too stressed - your PIN is dynamic - you can (and should) update it at any time - both in physical and digital (online) version.
for best results, at outset, throw at us as much material as you can find and think of - much of that material should be visual, not just words and numbers - photographs, drawings, diagrams, maybe maps, symbols, icons...
we will look carefully into that information and compile it into a first stage image that we can discuss and build on.

also tell us what are the main aims of your PIN - social, business, informative...?
your PIN is built on layers, which can be selectively switched for various versions and purposes.

once you are happy with the image you can start distributing it, but never stop improving and refining - this system is made for that.
posted: 2021-11-14 | updated: 2023-04-12

we try to keep the Questions here simple. many more related Answers on the original DeepCheque.Net site.

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