You might have noticed that DCNotes have a set of three letters in top left corner, or even two sets - those are acronyms for something, keeping (re)inventing and using them is much fun - they are loosely gathered on this page, which is updated often :-)

ACT Addressed Creativity Token

BIS Business Information Sheet

ERA Environmentally Responsible Advertising

EVV Emotional Value Vehicle (or Voucher)

GET - Generational Educative Transfer

GAS Gradual Acquisition System

IWT - I Was There

LID - Latent Interest Declaration

OTO - One Time Offer

PIN Personal Introduction Note

PLC - Pointless Life Certificate

RAM Rewritable Addressed Message

SPP Self Propelled Publishing

SPR Single Page Release

TIP Textual Information Packet

WHO - Was Here Once

below are the last 4 DCNotes added or modified: