Hello Visitor,

The Deep Cheque project begun in 2018 as a simple update of art printmaking. It progessed and, like all good ideas, just keeps growing and growing. Applying contemporary technologies and in-depth considerations it is now a functional system, uniting those who practice and those who appreciate true Creativity - a human resource crucial, not only to solving the world's problems, but also, on a personal level, to function independently in this data onslaught we face day by day, everyday.

The project is both physical and digital, efficient and cost-effective, based on widely available technologies and standard formats, accessible to anyone, anywhere. It has two branches and web sites:
DeepCheque.NET = makes Art Objects, as Versioned Art Edition or as Counted Art Edition
DeepCheque.ORG = produces general-use prints based on Communication Object
The sole purpose of those two branches is to feed human creativity, in .Net branch via purchase of Art Objects, in .Org branch by issuing DCNotes for publishing, communication, information storage and countless other applications.

The project draws on the life experience and knowledge of its originator, with hundreds of thousands of digital images, many created for the world media, as well as historical sources, public resources and data. It is supported by NetCells - a London-based company established in 2004 and a global network of contributors and propagators.

note: this project is vast and complex, search for answers on both web sites, examples:
and - by all means - ask questions !
below are the last 4 DCNotes added or modified: