Facing released: september 2023 see/buyEdition
owner: Jac Depczyk
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This 2023 image is a re-make of one of the key images from the 80s, entitled Data Facing.
It quickly became clear that the image must be completely re-built - to assimilate the time passed, with technology changes. and - once again - it is so clear that the technology changes everything, and that all that changes is the technology (lets call it that, for now).
The meaning of the image is clear too - isn't it? - we see a human confronting the data (and vice versa?). Everyone using computers should have one in their office.
It is also larger than other DCs, built on the 16:9 format, taking up most of the A4 sheet.
As Version Edition the image is re-created on each issue, think of the infinite and infinitely useful possiblities of adding your own data...
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